Our Creative Process:

The first step in the process is the briefing. It consists in a brief conversation so that

we can get to know our client's business better and carry out a diagnosis to identify

the brand’s objectives and values. Through this meeting, we will understand the DNA

of your business, target audience and positioning.

After that, we started our conceptual panel where we gather all the information

and try to find the best possible concept for the project. Where we brought together

several references with the experience and expertise of our designers.

With all the study done and strategies defined, It's time for the creative part.

All information and concepts approved in the analysis stage will be used in the design

process. We create and define the logo, color palette, typography, graphic elements,

brand applications, among others. Thats one of the most tiring and expensive stage

but it’s also the one we love the most!

When everything is completed, we hold a meeting with the client so they can see

the final result of the brand, explain our ideas and also why we do each thing.

After approval of the presented project, it is published for the finalization stage and

delivery of materials. All brand files will be exported in different formats and forms.

We will finish the project with a brand manual, containing technical guidelines to assis

in the correct use of the brand without any type of error.